Sustainable Development


The Sustainable Development Office at Akakus Oil Operations was established under the social investment program according to the agreement between the National Oil Corporation and the REMSA to support the most affected communities in the area of influence of Akakus Oil Operations.


The targeted areas have been divided into two groups:

  • Primary area, located at Wadi Ajaal which includes: Ubari, Bent Baya and Al-ghrifa.
  • Secondary areas, located at Nafusa Mountains which includes: Jadu, Yafran, Riyayna, Zintan and Rujban.

The projects and activities implemented through Akakus Oil Operations SD Office aims at rehabilitating the social, and economic infrastructure in a sustainable and equitable process of developing the target municipalities.


The main activities of the sustainable development program for the year 2018-2021, focuses on providing water access to the targeted municipalities through the provision of services such as drilling water wells, constructing and maintaining water tanks.